Flowers, flowers and more flowers


Whats a woman got to do to get a house full of flowers? Oh yeah have an Amos move in!!!!! I can’t get enough thankyous out for the massive amount of flowers I’ve got

I’m a bit fed up of having to say the words really quickly and refusing to repeat that I HAVE GOT A BRAIN TUMOR. The silence that follows is almost always the same

After 3 days in my friends I want to go home to my little flat and try and get some normality. I want my internet, my TV, my bed and my teeny tiny home that I love. So after a vegan lunch it’s time to go home and try to be normal

It’s time to take Amos by the horns and and get myself into prime condition ready for the removal process. So this is it, sugar free, processed free, alcohol free (not by choice!!), lots of walking (cos I’m not allowed to drive) so 10,000 steps and some gentle yoga. My thoughts on this is if I can get myself in tip top condition before my treatment I can heal in super quick time and go on the hen weekend at the end of August

No bloody wine or gin!!!!!!!How many calories will that be – be positive, I’ll be a cheap date once Amos is out 🙂

I’m also going to get positively studying. I might as well use the time I can’t work to not go stir crazy. I think this process is going to take about 12 weeks by the time they shrink him down or cut him out. In that time I can study my meditation, hypnotherapy and naturopathy courses. Be positive and use this time for the best. Wow it would be amazing if I was actually requalified by the end of this scary hell. Ssshhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone that this is a scary hell, be positive, smile, laugh and remember the ridiculousness of this

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Naturally Calm Therapy provide mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis both online and locally to Plymouth area.