I’ve banged my head!

The last seizure I had was the 27th January (I think)
I knew it was on it’s way because I had an ‘aura’ or what I call a warning, so I had to have a shower! Why? I have no idea but it wasn’t washing the dishes and making sure I’ve got knickers on. Anyone else have ridiculous must dos when they have an aura?
I wrapped up in a towel and got into bed, I thought I’d be safe but I woke up on the floor trying to get up. You know what it’s like, trying to get up but your limbs don’t let you so you give up and just lay there until you try again and again and again, getting more and more fed up of trying so hard!
Soooooo eventually getting up and getting into pyjamas and getting the oysta (the emergency ‘button’) to get help and pressed the button to alert my emergency contacts.
Once I’ve sorted myself out I knew I’d banged my head! There was the tiniest spot of blood on the floor and when I say the tiniest I mean a spot.
Two days later I’ve got a 4 inch cut on my head, it’s huge, where did that come from? What did I bang it on? Who knows?!
There’s nothing like finding a 4 inch gash on your head to know you’ve banged it or that your brain is not quite right before, during or after a seizure and you might not know until a few days later and…….. it’ll take you ages to recover from a 4 inch gash on the head!
#damnepilepsy #mybrokenbrain