It really does seem that January is most miserable month of the year, with failed New Year resolutions, short days, money worried following Christmas, bad or cold weather, unless you’re in Australia which have just been suffering their hottest week on record, I’m not jealous at all while I’m in the UK, looking our of my window at the cold wet rain and wind. I wouldn’t at all like to be laying on a lilo in the pool with a cocktail in my hand complaining about being too hot rather than too cold!

With February looming it’s time to take stock (again) and start 2019 again with more of a smile.

There’s so much to be excited and happy for the year ahead. Last week I was interviewed again for Brain Tumour Research and as much I wasn’t looking forward to it, it was fine, And there a few things possibly coming up in the next few months which are potentially ridiculously exciting, aaarrrrggghhhhhh I can’t share yet but as soon as I know I will share, I promise, part of never being good at keeping secrets. The BBC have also said this morning, that January is a great month to follow your passion and start a new business idea (it seems like I’ve listened to a lot of breakfast TV this morning!), it feels like January hasn’t just been about losing weight, stopping smoking and learning a new language (although I do need to brush up on my Spanish), it’s also about getting motivated to do the things you’ve been thinking about for a while, getting started into something brilliant and time to explore. I am confident about what I’m doing most of the time but more than confident I am happy.

I have been practising my own meditation this last week to give myself a pick up and although I’m not 100% I’m definitely feeling better than I was. I had a LOT of comments last week about the depression post and I want to stress that although I absolutely do not suffer from depression, I absolutely do have a real sadness for those who have real depression. Real depression is very different from just being down in the dumps. Real depression takes over every part of a person, it’s a real medical illness that will effect the sufferers thoughts, feelings and actions. It can be treated in many different ways including medication, but I truly believe that depression and anxiety can be helped by a change of diet to healthy, unprocessed foods, exercise, meditation and hypnosis. It has been found that exercise and walking could boost physical and emotional health. Group walking or going for a walk with friends is great for the mood, getting some fresh air and a good catch up is much better for the mood than lounging on the sofa and watching whatever is on the box. The BBC have reported this morning ‘The number of workers trained to prescribe social activities, like exercise groups and art classes, to GP patients who don’t need pills, is set to rise, under NHS England plans’ At last it seems that I haven’t been talking rubbish about this for years

There’s a fair bit of talk at the moment about the indoor generation and it seems to make perfect sense to me, that a bit or a lot of fresh air is good for all of us, whatever age we are.  This video is definitely worth a watch

Obviously too much outside time is not so good for the sadness of our current UK homeless situation, I seem to buy a hot drink for a stranger sitting in the street every day, I spend more money on hot cuppas for the homeless than I do for myself and it’s heartbreaking to see so many people that won’t get a rood over their head, figures from shelter in November 2018 said that the UK has 320,000 homeless people, how is this possible? How do we have so many empty buildings and so many people sleeping on the streets? I have no idea how this will be resolved but something surely needs to be done.

I am now 9 weeks from my last seizure and long may that continue, I really am doing as I’m told now and want to end this week on a positive note and be happy, I know I was damn miserable last week. I’ve been lucky this week to get more contact with other bloggers and am getting more and more followers for both online and on twitter, my new fliers have arrived and now I need to get some steps on and get myself out there and start a bit of self promoting.

So I’m going to stop my nattering now and get on with stuff. I wish you all well for a good week.

Thanks for reading