What has sunk in so far is that my daughters are AMAZING, not only were they amazing with me and my bonkers brain but they were amazing with the other patients in the wards I spent my 2 days in. I’m not sure how I managed to bring these two amazing women up but my pride is bursting with them.
Next are my amazing friends and family, the ones that came flooding into the MRI scan, they have made me laugh, cry think sense and nonsense. I’m not a religious person but right now I thank God with every ounce for bringing these people into my life, I don’t know how or why I have them all. But am eternally grateful they are with me.
Finally the one who raised the alarm, I think I have frightened the life out of this wonderful, incredible and beautiful woman. She shouted at me for my daughters phone number, called my daughter, a complete stranger and told her there was something wrong and she quite possibly saved my life, bless her she’s only known me 7 weeks. Some people are meant to be in your life and she absolutely was at that time.
Soooooooooo it’s moving on time, a nice lay in, in my spare bedroom in my second home (thanks to another amazing friend) in my Dads bed (obv he’s not in it anymore) and I have to try and get a life changing life started. Lets start with my mobile, 3 phone calls, a lot of tears and then give up, 3 won’t give you free stuff, even if you have got a brain tumor!
Give up work, bugger, I actually love my new job selling holidays but it has to go on the back burner and thankfully is being taken over by colleagues and friends.
Claim the benefits – urgh 1 hour and 40 minutes and then the call ending in tears and I think I’ve done it.
Give up my car, not allowed to drive when you’ve got a bonkers brain eh, Probably not a bad thing.
Speak to a support worker???? OMFG I had to tell her after seven minutes to STOP TALKING, listening to her experiences of not driving for 2 and a half years and don’t let them cut it out cos if they get the wrong bit you’ll have a stroke – I did not need to hear that.
Now something strange has happened and that is that I’ve started getting on with people I have never got on with before. No names to be mentioned as they have been sooooooo lovely and have also made me laugh, I need the laughter.
Sleep time? OK then 🙂