The way my girls have taken control of this situation is obviously a family trait.
As a young man my father fought for his kids, he spent 8 years fighting a system who told him he’d fail. He eventually won his children, became the first man in the country to do that. He was my first love (not I a weird way) but he was the man I looked for in other men and never found, so I’d rather be single than not have someone as wonderful as he was.
When he got ill it was my turn to take over. I fought for my him, I took over everything he couldn’t do and he remained my best friend and my rock as I became his. We laughed, we cried, we struggled and we stuck together. When we lost him I lost my best friend and part of myself that will never be replaced.
Now my girls are fighting for me. They have taken over the same as I took over for my Dad, they are my rocks and my best friends, we are laughing and crying together and when I struggle to think how on earth they became the women they are, I just have to think they following my Dad.
I am eternally grateful for the best family I’ve had all my life and will have for the rest of my life when all of this is over.
Thanks again Dad for being part of my incredible girls