The start of those horrible ‘dizzy spells’

Do you use your 5 steps to mental wellbeing? You can find meditation and mindfulness courses here in our meditation shop And on our social media Facebook Naturally Calm Therapy Instagram Etsy…

Reasons to Meditate

by Tori | Apr 10, 2024 | BlogMeditate for Relief! Although meditation has been used for around 3500 years, meditation is making a name for itself much louder recently as a practical and simple tool for helping to cope with life and aiding personal growth. It has become common to use meditation…


by Tori | Mar 26, 2024 | BlogHAPPY PURPLE DAY It’s Purple Day! And with Epilepsy Support we hope you are bringing on the purple and are having a wonderful time. We just wanted to thank you with Epilepsy Support for all your support, everything you are doing is making a huge difference for…

Brain Tumour Awareness Month 2024

by Tori | Mar 19, 2024 | Blog  Netflix star Craig Russell is one of many campaigners, patients and politicians gathering today to help launch the 2024 Brain Tumour Research manifesto at Westminster Read the full story here…

We have been quiet recently

by Tori | Oct 12, 2021 | BlogYou may have noticed that we’ve been very quiet recently. And for this we apologise. As you can imagine the world has gone mad with businesses going online and the app world has exploded. As a result of this we are going to be loading the information onto our website…

Victoria talking to BBC Radio Devon

by Tori | Jul 30, 2021 | BlogVictoria talking to BBC Radio Devon about the BrainSET App Victoria talking to BBC Radio…

Former Olympian to raise money for Brain Tumour Research

by Tori | Jul 25, 2021 | Blog Former Olympian Alan Rapley taking on charity challenge to help   find a cure for brain tumours  Brain Tumour Research has organised the month long     cycling challenge to raise money for brain tumour research.  The captain of the mens swimming team of 1996 Olympics…

Hair Loss

by Tori | Jul 11, 2021 | BlogTo lose you hair can be traumatic adults & children   Hair loss is a common side effect of cancer treatment, shock and trauma Hair loss can happen as a side effect of chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, or a stem cell (bone marrow) transplant….

Conversations with Sarah

by Tori | Jun 26, 2021 | BlogVery happy to be invited to speak to Sarah Redden of conversations with Sarah  Talking to Sarah about my own experience of brain tumour and epilepsy that inspired the insparation of the BrainSET App Conversations with Sarah Sign up to our weekly newsletter keeping you…

Fatigue, memory and mood swings!

by Tori | Jun 8, 2021 | BlogI’ve struggled to write here for a couple of weeks, I’d love to say it’s because the weather has been so glorious that I’ve just wanted to enjoy the sunshine but that’s only 25% true. The rest of the truth is I’ve just been exhausted, not just exhausted from going to…

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Naturally Calm Therapy provide mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis both online and locally to Plymouth area.