Before you speak let your words pass through three gates

I’ve talked about self deprecation before and how it’s very easy to not only be hard on myself but to be hard on those around me. It’s a strange thing that I know I find difficult to control my moods. Some more than others and usually those who I am closest to, those who I rely on the most that get the brunt of my anger or bad moods. If any of them are reading this, I am sorry for being a bitch at times.

I saw this buddha image and it’s very true. Of course the majority of the messages we get or see from buddha are very true and should be taken advantage of so that we can control our emotions.

This one I really do love

Is it true?

Really how easy is it to listen to someone elses gossip? Hear things from the right person and only the right person. Anything else might not be true or just said, resaid at someone elses frame of mind and by the time it is repeated by 10 people, what originally started is very very different from what you might hear.

Is it necessary?

Do you really need it? Whether it’s a thought, an emotion or a thing, do you need it? Can you live without it? We have so much unnecessary ‘stuff’ both in our minds and physical stuff. Think about whether it’s a need or simply a want it, is it really necassary to be angry or to have that pair of shoes?

Is it kind?

I was lucky enough to spend a LOT of time with my grandparetnts as a child and as a result of this I was lucky to have been passed on many things from them, one was treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself. I know that we all have times of anger and take it out on another person and we have all been treated pretty crap at many times, but I would like to think that on the whole I am kind. I can’t walk past a person in the street that seems to be struggling or having a rubbish day without asking if they are ok or can I help. I can’t walk past a person who clearly has nothing and is sitting on the street asking for help. I have many many times and will continue to do so, stop and talk to a homeless person, I will ask if they need a hot drink, I will ask them how many times they have been simply asked that day “how are you”? the answer is almost always nobody has asked them, so I will and I’ll have a chat and I am almost always be thanked for that kind but free gesture. A tiny bit of kindness goes a very long way.

So that’s my thing and with those three questions I hope I can remain calm, I intend to remain kind and I hope to treat others with respect.

And on that note I am going to have a break, a cuppa and maybe even a snooze. Thankyou for reading and I wish all my readers a fabulous day and thankyou for reading ????

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