Red Light Therapy
What is Red Light Therapy? Have you ever heard of red light therapy? It’s been used within health services for many years for skin conditions.
What is Red Light Therapy? Have you ever heard of red light therapy? It’s been used within health services for many years for skin conditions.
It’s been too long since I’ve written! Sooooo like many others I’ve been in lockdown and still am mostly, you’d think that would have given
Overcome Insomnia using Hypnosis with Naturally Calm Therapy.
Insomnia affects over 40 percent of adults worldwide on a frequent basis. However, some experts estimate that almost all of the adult population have suffered a sleep disorder at some time in their lives. Using hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Insomnia can easily be alleviated.
People who suffer from insomnia often find it difficult to lead a normal life, and may have some of the following symptoms;
Feeling depressed, irritable or angry.
Waking far too early and then being unable to get back to sleep.
Feeling tired and not refreshed on waking.
Trouble thinking clearly or staying focused, making it hard to concentrate during the day.
Insomnia can occur due to many reasons.
Depression, worry, exams, emotional problems, anger or grief.
Environmental noise (noisy neighbours) or a partner who snores!
Worrying about whether or not they will actually be able to sleep whenever they go to bed. If they fail to sleep that night, then worrying about what will happen the next night, and so on.
Moving house or employment, changes in work shifts.
Pain or a medical condition (one of the most common causes) drug use or withdrawal. Smoking.
Medication – including some contraceptives, slimming pills, stimulants, diuretics, or even sleeping pills themselves.
Waking up in the early hours and not being able to fall asleep again, or falling asleep and then waking up after a few minutes, then falling asleep again only to wake up once more, with this cycle repeating itself throughout the night
Insomnia is one of the easiest conditions to treat with Hypnosis
With the use of Hypnosis it can help to re-educate the mind when it comes to insomnia.
In actual fact, whenever a client plays the downloaded recording they will normally fall asleep while listening to them. I have to inform them that it is perfectly OK
One of the biggest addictions in the world is chocolate So many chocolate lovers know that the high sugar content can lead to obesity and
“A HUGE percentage of adults smoke in the UK (Tobacco Control Needs Assessment) The world is struggling with stress and anxiety at the moment and it seems this
Naturally Calm Therapy provide mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis both online and locally to Plymouth area.
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Naturally Calm Therapy provide mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis both online and locally to Plymouth area.