Have you ever wonderered what hypnotherapy is and how it can help you or a loved one? Here’s a few questions and answers
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a psychological therapy that uses hypnosis to help treat many condi- tions. It can also be used to change habits, thought processes and behaviours.
How it works
A rtained hypnotherapis guides you into a relaxed state. While in this relaxed state you can learn subconciously deal with many of your own lifes issues.
What it can help with
Stress, anxiety and depression Addictions such as smoking and vaping Weight loss
Anger management Phobias
Pain and illnesses Headaches Sleeping Relaxation
And so much more………
Benefits of hypnotherapy are finding ways to relax in your own space and time without the use of drugs and medicines.
You can make a private appointment with me in Plymouth by emailing me at hello@natural- lycalmtherapy.co.uk Appointments are available on Wednesdays
You can download your chosen hypnosis sessions online at the website www.naturallyc- almtherapy.co.uk
Or if you can’t find what you’re looking for or it hasn’t been uploaded to the website yet you can email me hello@naturallycalmtherapy.co.uk