Are we scrambling our brains with technology?

Technology is taking over our lives and squashing our brains.
Massively on the media atm is how technology has taken us over. We walk into a room and at least 50% of people are head down on mobiles. Walk down a road (pavement) and at least 50% of people have headphones in. No more social skills, no more conversation and meddled brains. Surely this isn’t good for us. I went to see the brilliant John Bishop a few months ago and even he talked about dating sites and how even meeting new potential partners isn’t just chatting to someone you haven’t met before because they seem or look nice, we’d rather swipe because we like or don’t like their profile. What a very sad state of life.

Since all this started I have developed a fear of using my mobile on the left side of my head ‘just in case’ I know this is ridiculous, but is it really?

The world health organisation have suggested that there is the possibility of radiation from mobile phones can contribute to an increased risk of brain cancer from long term or heavy use – I knew I didn’t like the feeling of my mobile phone being next to my head, this makes me feel slightly less mad about using a headset and microphone.

I’ve known for years that spending too much time on the computer, tablet or mobile makes my eyes tired and sore and for years my eyesight has been getting worse but I can’t stop reading my mobile, working on my laptop, watching netflix or reading a book on my kindle. I’m told that the 20/20/20 rule is good for me and that is every 20 minutes starting at a screen, have a 20 second break by looking at something 20 feet away, this should relax my eyes but I’m not really sure that it will make a massive difference to the damage I know I’m doing. As I’m writing this on my laptop I know I should give my eyes a break and make a cuppa seeing as I’ve already studying for 2 hours on the same laptop!

I worry about my grandchildren and their generation who don’t play anymore, they would prefer to play a computer game than climb a tree, they don’t want to take part in competitive sports but happily play a game with a group of strangers all over the world. I also worry that if my eyesight and possible brain cancer increasing dangers at my age with only 20 years of technology that means the younger generation are likely to see these results at a frighteningly young age.

I genuinely don’t know how we change this, none of us want to give up our mobiles or kindles, our employers certainly won’t go back to notebooks and faxes so what do we do? I don’t know but I know I will be sticking to using my mobile with my headphones and microphone, even if I do look a bit bonkers, I also won’t be putting my mobile down my bra (instead of a pocket) anymore, who knows what it’s radiation is doing to my boobs?!

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