I have to say that my daughters friends are utterly amazing. All the pain and screaming matches and fighting and arguments that I had with my growing up girls were worth every moment to see the incredible women that have been created. Saturday I was picked up by my youngests best friend who took me out to meet my youngest and we had a lovely afternoon with lunch, soldiers an airshow, ice cream and laughter. Sunday I was collected by my eldests best friend who took me for lunch and supermarket shopping and shockingly quickly paid for everything (against my will). The kindness of these young women is extraordinary. I am counting more blessings every day.

The CBD I feel is doing something, I am now on day 5 of no dizzy spells, I have been taking it before bed rather than daily. I have had the best nights sleep last night. Despite being woken up too early by the neighbour shouting at his child, I did actually want to open the door and tell him that waking the whole street up to tell his poor child off was unnecessary but I didn’t even have pyjamas and I felt Amos would be over exposed. I did want to tell him though that he doesn’t know this morning what a wonderful young man has the potential to grow in to and the shouting was probably not as necessary as he thinks it is this morning.

Anyway back to the CBD that I think might be working. I have now added a few extras to my bedtime routine and I think these are doing all the tricks, hot almond (or hazlenut) milk with turmeric and pepper, these wash down the horrible taste of the CBD, and then to bed with frankincense oil and jasmine oil. Here we go again with some tips…………..

Frankincense oil is a great stress reliever, it also apparently boosts the immune system, helps to relieve pain and inflammation and some believe it can even help to fight cancer.

I have used Jasmine oil for a long time to help with those nights when I can’t get to sleep. The health benefits of Jasmine Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic and sedative. Now I don’t need an aphrodisiac but I was once told that it can be as effective as valium for help with sleep.

My sleep routine is now my hot milk with turmeric and pepper, my CBD and then sleep with some 60 beats per minute music and a couple of drops of jasmine and frankincense oils on my pillow and it takes about 60 seconds for me to be knocked out to sleep.

The 60 beats per minute music is incredible for knocking you out. 60 beats per minute is the body’s resting heart rate, by concentrating on the sound you are almost forcing your heart to slow down to this rate and shaboom welcome to my life – sleep. I have done this for years to make myself sleep when I think I’m worried or stressed about work or family or anything else going on and now it is a massive help with knocking Amos out and stopping him shouting in my head and squashing my brain.

Once this is all over I think I would actually like to do this stuff as a job, where do I start? No really, where do I start??? I’ve always loved the way of essential oils and the work they can do, changing your diet to improve health, meditation to force relaxation. Exercise to take away the pain and improve life, obviously not spinning (which I LOVE but can’t do atm) but yoga and pilates and the like that can be adapted to help with people in pain and not knowing what to do about it. I sense a change of direction and a reason to really try to remember what I’m studying.

On that note, it’s time to study for an hour or so.

Before I sign out though I will write down some of the fabulous meals I’ve cooked, Home made veggie burgers with kidney beans, carrots and garlic, home made sugar free baked beans, sweet potato chips, actually sweet potato everything is great. Lentil bolognese, I’ve made this for years and the trick is def to make it the day before which makes it a hundred times more delicious.

For anyone reading this (or I might just be talking to myself) I do hope you are well, I do hope you are happy, I hope that you are have a wonderful support group looking after you and I do hope that somewhere along the line my words are helping you. I don’t know if you are able to message me through this page but if you want to share any thoughts with me (not rude ones, not just yet anyway I prob couldn’t cope) Please, please feel free to drop me a line